7 Content Marketing Tactics That Can Help You Collect New Leads

It happens quite often when we get out of ideas – how to get new leads or how we can meet our targets of grabbing new clients for our company. And most of us face this problem, especially when Google announces Panda and Penguin updates, which cause a disastrous blow to several business websites. The websites that don’t have fresh, original and relevant content on the website have to bear the punch with every update. Their rankings and visibility are affected a lot. Sometimes, they are heavily penalized by Google. Never forget the fact that content act as a pillar for every online business and the piece of content you create must serve a business objective. If you perform content marketing in the right way, it can prove beneficial to your business.

Writers or content strategists may face failure again and over again when their mind stops thinking of a new topic. They may feel as if they have been generating the same kind of content with almost similar information for past few months. If you are one among them, then you can easily overcome this issue by building a strong content strategy and experimenting with new types of content. You can reach more and more customers through different types of content and any business that offers lead generation services will tell you this too. Given below are a few content strategies that you can choose to collect leads for your business.


1. eBooks

eBooks are the most popular way to educate your customers about your business, gain credibility and generate leads. Always make your eBook a free resource for your customers so that they can read it as to help them know you better and capture them in the sales funnel. You can convey your business idea very clearly and efficiently with the help of eBooks. These books can also help you build a relationship of trust with a reader as whatever you commit through the book, they can see them getting fulfilled through your services.


2. Free Webinars

It has been found that audiences love taking part in webinars and courses for free. They show interest in learning something new. You can use webinars as an effective tool for lead generation and use them as a super powerful acquisition channel. It is completely your choice whether you want to shoot and edit video yourself or do it in a professional way. Audiences excitedly fill out the form in exchange for a tutorial or video course. It is also a great way to get their contacts so that you can share your knowledge as well as business proposals with time. Your webinars will definitely gain success. You can present your audiences with actionable insights into a variety of subjects.


3. Free Trails

Offering free trials of your products is also a part of marketing strategy. It helps prospects to decide whether your products are a good fit for them or not. It is a good way to have a convinced and loyal customer base as it will help you know whom you have to target instead of selling your stuff to everyone. That’s why it can be helpful to provide a free trial of your product or service without any risk and obligation – just fill out a form.


4. Hosting Real Events

Experts believe that real events are an important aspect of content marketing strategy. Some even consider them as a way to bridge the gap between the two worlds – online world and offline world. You can sum up real-life event in an article as you can use your content to improve and follow up on your live event. Begin it with by uploading pictures of discussion with guests or speakers on your website and social platforms. Creating an event hashtag is a good idea to promote your event. You can perform live tweets using hashtags to make it more attractive. Uploading images live could be a good option as well. Uploade images, videos of the event on Facebook, Instagram and some other social sites after event completes.


5. Contests

If you wish to engage your audiences, grow your reach and drive traffic to your website, begin some contest. People love participating in contests. The best way to run contests is to run them on your website and all social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.


6. Cheat Sheet

Cheat sheet is a short, concise offer that an individual can use in the future. It could be a comprehensive guide to terms, symbols, commands and something else. These are just for a quick reference of some process.


7. Case studies

Case studies can be the best way to tell success stories of your product or service. You can also provide a solution to a particular problem that customer is facing by explaining the solution in detail how to fix it. If you present in a proper manner, case studies can be a great way to convert readers into customers. You just need to send an email to consumers why they should download the case study and how it can help them find solutions to a particular problem.

You might have got the idea how you can use content to generate leads for your business. Also, you have to keep in mind that there is no single solution to content marketing and lead generation. It varies depending upon your business niche.


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