One year is dominated by cross-platform apps, another by push notifications, and another by Blockchain. With the year 2019 on the verge of ending and 2020 around the corner, it’s time to wrap your head around the emerging trends set to influence your business growth in the upcoming year. Staying current on the latest web development trends that lie ahead is critical to improve your website or app, get more consumers, and increase your sales and overall efficiency. Since we already have covered some of the web development trends 2020 in one of our previous posts, it’s time to dive deeper and look at more pivotal trends certain to shape the development environment and take the industry by storm.
This article is aimed at helping you understand the future of technological landscape, so you can get in on better development opportunities to create a profitable and sustainable business or cultivate your existing organization and users by making significant changes.
Here is a comprehensive, detailed list of the top three hot web development trends 2020 that every web development company and developer must pay attention to stay ahead and sustain as well as improve their position in the industry.
1. Real-time Perspective Analytics for Big Data
Over time, web development trends influence new generations of business analytics techniques that ease the comprehension and evaluation of the data you collect and help businesses make constructive decisions in today’s modern data-driven business environment. The web world is the largest collection of business data, with the characteristics of high volume, velocity, and variety, ever assembled. And for organizations desiring to stay at the forefront of competition and enhance their productivity and business gain, real-time perspective analytics is an excellent model to tackle a range of business problems and improve the decision-making process. It rises over the over two Big Data analytics divisions, i.e., predictive analytics and descriptive analytics, and combines their characteristics to offer quick, data-driven insights and potential outcomes toward different possible yet concrete actions. That helps analysts and mobile/web development organizations to find the best solution among various choices so they can:
- Get productive interpretations and recommendations;
- Achieve greater agility to overcome key operational inefficiencies and unconventional data requirements;
- Improve risk management, productivity, customer satisfaction, and profits;
- Underline critical insights as well as patterns and drive strategic business decisions, and;
- Micro-target their consumers as well as prospects and personalize products and services aligned with the buyer’s needs and requirements.
This analytics ecosystem is driven by artificial intelligence, advanced data mining practices and deep learning/machine algorithms, massive, powerful data migration capabilities, and real-time, scalable big data platforms.
2. Natural Language Processing (NLP) & Natural User Interface (NUI)
Natural Language Processing (NLP) and speech recognition are the holy grail in the world of computing and semantic processing. NLP is a subfield of artificial intelligence, linguistic computing, and information engineering focused on human-computer interactions. Simply put, it helps machines understand, analyze, and manipulate human language and actions into structured data and respond with the most appropriate and relevant results.
While the natural user interface is not a new concept, it’s still in its early stages. The advent of natural user interface systems is considered as one of the most impactful web development trends in 2020.
The overarching technologies employed to develop NUI-based systems and applications are natural language procession, machine learning, computational linguistics, human capabilities, speech recognition, and other AI technologies. The goal of a natural user interface is to use various natural human capabilities, including actions, gestures, movements, and voice commands, to make the interactions between a human and computer feel as natural as possible, an exact mimicry of human-to-human communications. The interface itself of a NUI system, that can be accessed and operated using these modalities, is “invisible” to users. Some key characteristics of NUIs are the minimization (or absence) of many GUI visual cues, direct interaction, use of touch screen, and affordance, without depending on any physical and solid interface.
On a side note, some of the technological concepts, like NUI, CI, and Big Data Analytics, display some connections of similarity in terms of their underlying technologies, functionalities, and goals.
3. Privacy Enhancing Technologies
The web is what that absolutely qualifies as a technological invention, and above all, as a cultural and sociological phenomenon. With a vast, world-wide user base diverging in all the aspects, such as gender, language, interests, age, locality, and technical literacy, the massive amounts of user data and personal information are being available online. In addition, the continued emergence of new technologies and advancements in web development services are resulting in major breaches in the information industry. They involve the serious threats and potential risks of identity disclosure, location disclosure concerning content (even shared or transferred online), user profile as well as information disclosure, and breaching data protection laws and regulations.
Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) are a set of technologies involved in maximizing data security, offering protection against communication (check out software like encrochat), and privacy risks, masking personal information, and other purposes. This is done by achieving compliance with fundamental data protection legalizations, utilizing systems consisting of technical processes and methods, and minimizing the collection, consumption, and distribution of personal data. These solutions help attain explicit data/privacy protection functionality, sustain users’ trusted relationships, and protect very sensitive data and privacy of the online user (such as financial data, credit card information, or health records).
The Seven PET Principles are:
- Limitation in the collection of personal data
- Standard techniques used for privacy protection
- Identification/authentication/authorization
- Pseudo-identity
- Biometrics
- Encryption
- Audit ability
Web development is an area that keeps developing with the evolutions of new technologies and changes to a lesser or greater extent every year. Many web development services (such as virtual assistants and PWAs) that have already set their prominent mark will continue to stay in the limelight in the year 2020 and beyond.
Besides, with the early adoption of Blockchain, edge computing, IoT security, and other numerous technologies kept competing for our attention, it’s more critical than ever to learn about their intuitiveness, advancements, and clarity of use.